While autism clearly plays a large role in our daily life, it is NOT our life. Having a blog focus on just that now seems silly. My son has autism, yes, but he also is the most fantastic train track engineer I have ever met. He loves baseball and has no desire to do anything relevant to soccer (we found out the latter after paying $60 for him to chase birds on the sidelines.) Hank has been to Europe twice and has spent over 5 months of his life in hotels (I have come close to stealing some of his delta miles). Wheels are a huge fascination of his and he could watch trains, cars, buses for days. He is obsessed with dinosaur train. He likes the color red. He hates pants and takes his shoes off immediately when entering the house. He loves his brother and displays this by rubbing Theo’s head throughout the day. Hank tantrums. Hank smiles sweetly when he wants something. Hank is clearly two!
So here is the update: The Planets Spin will be covering all of the madness going forward. The travel, domestic engineering, brothers, faith, play, and all other elements of our crazy family. And, of course, a dash of autism for good measures.

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